I wonder if I put a few words here?

Ed Tech Inquiry Project

Art Technology Programs that can be used in Education

By. Ali Louwe

Summary about my experience doing the inquiry project:

Though out this process I learned a lot about different digital art technology resources that are available online for free. To find these resources I searched through many art teacher blogs. My goal with researching for apps was to look for ones that  are Cloud Based (You can not install program/browser based) and that are free. What I learned while researching these programs is that its also good to look at if the programs will allow the teacher to monitor student progress, as well as looking into where data is stored/personal safety for students (Cloud based policies- ie US based or not).  My list that I have collected below is a relatively brief list about what is available, however there are thousands of additional resources out there. I did enjoy the process of looking for these program, and I think that now more then ever, having these online art program resources in your back pocket is a great option incase the schools go back into full-time online learning due to covid.  Additionally, during my inquiry process I would of loved to have more time to devote to using each program. However, given the time constraints for each projects due to the fast paced and busy nature of this program, I was only able to compile a list, and not have much experience using each program.

Below is the list I compiled of art tech programs. Please add any program into the comment section if you have any that you know of or have used.




Easy to make GIFs

How to use:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55l3AFbL-Dw



-Imulates adobe photoshop, can be used to make illustrations

-recently made into cloud-based app + used on Chromebooks

How to use:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxrDIAtvQfc



  • free vector-based program
  • Inkscape in place of Illustrator
  • download and install it
  •  recently released as a cloud-based app on Chromebooks

How to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa6a7oz7vEE



-Infographic software

How to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL-WbHwsbs8



-3D modeling and animation

-sculpt and render 3D objects

How to use:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPrnSACiTJ4



-App for 3D printing

-Only useful if you have access to 3D printer

-Log in key, no email

-Students don’t need to add in private info

How to use:


Google Draw


-Google web based drawing program, you can make 2D images, or animated images

How to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzNzF7vOVes




-Only available if you have access to Adobe (not free)

-Used to create animations

How to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49yK2AfG8kc

1 Comment

  1. rharle

    Hey Ali,
    Great job with your inquiry! I like your topic and the fact that you made such a great list of art technology applications that we can use as teachers! I was wondering, it might have broken up your writing if instead of posting the url’s for the videos, you actually embedded them into your blog post? The set up of your blog looks good, would be nice to break it up some visuals (or the embedded videos) Overall it looks good though and will be a great resource for all of us going forward. Good job!

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